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 New HR Consultancy from Law Hound

HR Hound offers a new type of HR and employment law service. With our excellent reputation in advising on employment law matters and our directors  involved in teaching solicitors’ CPD on new emerging employment law topics and case law you are in safe hands.

Peace of mind = Priceless

So, you can rest assured, the advice we give you is both cutting edge and up to date as well as practical and clear. It’s also employer friendly and easy to access, we not only let you know what the law says can be permitted but show you how you can do what is needed within the law – this practical approach, we are told, is priceless.

Sensible, Practical and easy to Use

Practical, affordable and on demand services are offered. Let’s be clear: over 95% of all UK businesses are small, most employ under 5 staff and most of the rest employ under 10 people. That’s why we write policies, process and contracts to suit your business and not tie you up with loads of red tape.

Your Outsourced HR and Employment Law Team

We work closely with you to provide your business with the exact support that you need, whether that be a single employment contract, a mix of employment and business law or even a mix of HR, recruitment services and business law.

Does employing staff and keeping on top of employment law worry you? You want to grow your business but are overwhelmed with the obligations you will need to understand? Then you have come to the right place.

At HR Hound we make it easy for you to access all the processes, procedures and help that you need at affordable prices. Whether you want monthly advice on tap on a monthly contract, an outsourced HR service where we do the lot, or just advise once in a while we can help. Just because you have to live with HR and Employment Law obligations does not mean you can’t have a nice easy answer to any HR question you may have.

HR Hound’s Features and Benefits

HR Hound answers all your Employment Law questions and offers a unique way of purchasing Employment Law and HR services to suit your budget and needs. We listened to over 1000 businesses who were using large HR companies about what they wanted, needed and would like from an Employment Law service and what they disliked. As a result we got this:

This why with HR Hound you get Employment Law advice at a price you can afford, delivered when you require it and you choose how you work with us. Pay As You Go, monthly retainer, yearly contract or project based services. Lots of flexibility and you get the service that matches your business needs.

Email us at or call now on

0161 726 5037

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