Easy to follow rules.
If you want to submit a guest blog these FAQs explain what we need to consider your blog.
Do I need to have previously published blogs online?
Yes, we need to see style and past experience of writing for a small business audience.
Does the blog need to be original?
Yes it does. The guest blogs we accept are original pieces of work which showcase your ability to add value to our audience.
How long does the blog need to be?
1000-2000 words generally as we are looking for depth and insight pieces.
Can I add links?
Your links to your site can be included in the blog and we will approve them and use them as long as they go to your own sites and the content is in line with our standards.
Are you picky about what is used?
Yes, very, we reject blogs that do not add value and are mainly self promotional or poorly formatted or littered with typos and poor grammar. We respect our followers’ time.
Can I use images?
Yes but you need to provide those to us separately in jpeg or png formats. You need to prove your own the commercial rights to use them on 3rd party sites and provide us with the licensing agreement to use. If you don’t then we will select images for your blog.
Can I send the blog in a pdf or in a PPT?
No, it needs to be in WORD only.
How do I submit it?
email to guestblog@lawhound.co.uk with the images and licensing information/images as mentioned above.
What happens after submission?
We look at it and approve or reject it. We tell you either way and the reasons for any rejection. We will then schedule it on our site and let you know when it is live. We put up guest blogs once per month so the process can take up to 31 days depending on when you submit the blogs.
Should I promote this? https://www.lawhound.co.uk/terms/